Hugs From Heaven
When you feel a gentle breeze
Caress you when you sigh
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From a loved one way up high
If a soft and tender raindrop
Lands upon your nose
They've added a small kiss
As frail as a rose
If a song you hear fills you
With a feeling of sweet love
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From someone special up above
If you awaken in the morning
To a bluebird's chirping song
It's music sent from Heaven
To cheer you all day long
If tiny little snowflakes
Land upon your face
It's a hug sent from Heaven
Trimmed with Angel lace
So keep the joy in your heart
If you're lonely my dear friend
Hugs that are sent from Heaven
A broken heart will mend.
Charlotte Anselmo ©
Wonderful Dream
I close my eyes and I can see Jesus coming;
I can hear the heavenly harps strumming;
I can hear beautiful Angels humming;
I can hear a multitude of Saints running;
They are all calling my name it seems.
Thank you, Jesus, for such a wonderful dream
Ellen Bailey ©
Completely Free
Oh, do not mourn that I am gone-
I sing a new and glorious song;
I see my Savior face to face,
Right here where He prepared a place.
Such a reunion at the door,
Greeted by loved ones gone before;
I hear the host of angels sing...
The victory sound shall ever ring.
Oh, do not mourn that I am gone,
For I'm at home where I belong;
No tears or pain on heaven's ground,
God's presence here is all around.
This glorious place beyond the sun
Is where I wait for you dear one,
But until then - joyfully live...
Serve God with all you have to give.
Oh, do not ever mourn for me,
I'm now at home...Completely Free.
Connie C. Bratcher ©
Our Mum's Christmas Joy
Our Mum went to Jesus on Christmas Eve
it was the very best Gift she ever received.
Ninety One, her Race is Run
her spirit left in the morning sun.
Her favorite songs were playing by her bed
when up to Heaven she was led.
Her face was soft and peaceful, she glowed
faithful to Jesus, blessings bestowed.
We rejoiced with her the day before
that she was going to those Heavenly shores.
We will see her again one day
the Son of God, He paved the way
For all who love Him and worship Him
to be reunited, our hearts will sing.
Janet Vargas © Sept 2017
Vision of Heaven in Prayer
All this and more
at the Break of Dawn
I'm off to a New World to SEE
where the people there
are gathered in glee
like a GLASSY SEA.
I see them beckoning me
"Come with us up here
HIS GLORY is Everywhere"
I hear them cheering me!
"The Lord does valiantly
your life will be spent
in ceaseless praise
when you're gathered hear with us.
There's such BEAUTY everywhere
in His Glory you will share.
Heavenly BLESSINGS, Eternal Bliss
it's Marvelous UP HERE!"
Janet Vargas © May 2012
Happy Birthday in Heaven
Today is your birthday in Heaven above
My blessings I send on wings of a dove
Not just for today but each day hereof....
I think of you always with all of my love
Always missed Always loved.
Toni Kane ©
Sending Hugs and Kisses
I'm sending a a dove to Heaven
with a parcel on it's wings
Be careful when you open it
it's full of beautiful things.
Inside are a million kisses
wrapped in a million hugs
To say how much I miss you
and send you all my love.
hold you close within my heart
and there you shall remain
To walk with me throughout my life
until we meet again.
Author Unknown
Cheer Leaders in Heaven
When a loved one goes to be with Jesus
They live within your heart
Seeing things this way can free us
We don’t feel so far apart
It’s true the Heavens are distant
But one day Jesus will come
We will be changed in an instant
For now we’ve a Race to run.
There is a “Cloud of Witnesses in Heaven”
This is written in His Word
They watch over us like Cheer-leaders
These testimonies I have heard.
Janet Vargas © Sept 2017
We can be enriched with thoughts of a loved-one
close in our hearts as they watch over us
from Heaven and Cheer us On!
Pages for Loved Ones in Heaven
have been here as a temporary measure.
On June 28th, I commenced a New Website
especially for these Types of Poems, LOTS of them!
And Looking Forward To Heaven.
You will love it - I made it especially for my Loved Ones
And for You - Please Visit:
The copyrights of all poems on this website belong to the individual authors.